Worried a gap year will interrupt your studies & impact your job opportunities?
For those considering a gap year between school and university, the main worry we hear is that they will find it difficult or less appealing to return to education once they have taken time away.
Students also worry that a gap year will delay graduating, putting them a year behind on the career ladder. But think about how long you’ll be working for – about 44 years based on today’s pension age. A year off pales into insignificance when you realise how long you’ll be working for!
Furthermore a gap year is an invaluable opportunity to travel, explore different interests and gain life experiences and personal growth.
Here are 5 facts to reassure you that a year out will actually help your studies and employability:
Many Universities actively encourage a year out
Most universities encourage students to take time by allowing deferred entry to the majority of courses. Top university Harvard state on their website that the institute ‘encourages admitted students to defer enrolment for one year to travel, pursue a special project or activity, work, or spend time in another meaningful way’.
You’ll perform better at University
Students who take a gap year perform better academically, based on their academic rating than if they went straight from school to university according to a report by AGA. This is often cited to be because a year out solves issues of academic burnout. Students return to education refreshed and excited to study again.
You’re more likely to achieve a First or Second Class degree
Those who take a gap year are more likely to achieve a first or second class degree compared to similar individuals who go straight into higher education, according to a report from the Department for Education.
A gap year will provide clarity about your career ambitions
Gap years have been proven to help students identify and eliminate interests to help them make better study decisions that will enhance their future career. Time out also gives students a chance to explore possible careers by gaining work experience.
Taking a gap year will make you more employable
88% of students that have taken a gap year report that their time out significantly added to their employability, according to a gap year survey.
Now go and getting planning a gap year… ?